Danball Senki Wiki
Danball Senki Wiki
Energy Bomb
Energy Bomb
Media Info
Japanese: 気功弾
Translation: Kikou Dan
Dub name: Qi Burst
Game debut: Danball Senki (PSP)
Type: Hissatsu icon Knuckle weapon icon
Attack power: 160
Range: Close Close range icon
Elements: Shock Shock element icon, Water Water element icon
Chance Gauge: Chance gauge icon 2
Attained: Knuckle weapon icon Skill Level 4
Knuckle weapon icon Skill Level 6 (W)

Energy Bomb (気功弾 Kikou Dan) is an knuckle-type attack function introduced in the Danball Senki universe.


The LBX channels their energy into their fists as they jump into the air, descending in blue energy and smashing straight into the ground, creating an explosion that knocks the opponent away.


Danball Senki Wars[]
