Danball Senki Wiki
Danball Senki Wiki
Jeanne D
Jeanne D011
Model Info
Japanese: ジャンヌD
Frame Type: Strider Framed LBX
LBX Type: Cowgirl
Brand Maker: Armor & Crown
Arnaments: Snap Pistols Gun weapon icon
Owner: Jessica Kaios
Affiliation/s: NICS
Game Debut: Danball Senki (PSP)
Anime Debut: Episode 05 (W)
Appears in Anime, Game

Jeanne D (ジャンヌD Jyannu Di) is Jessica Kaios's strider framed LBX introduced in Danball Senki W.


It was originally a Robin H model developed by Armor & Crown, and customized by NICS as Jessica's personal model against the Detectors. Heavily relying on its mobility, it utilizes a defensive-evasive style and using twin pistols styles to achieve certain victory.

This LBX is first introduced in episode 5, when Jessica challenges Ban to a battle. It immediately using its twin pistols as a means to shoot down Elysion, firing at it accurately while consecutively dodging. When it flees in the air, Jeanne D fires again but as Elysion uses its speed to follow it, Jeanne D narrowly avoids a swing from Elysion's lance, backflipping over it and using its twin shields to defend against its opponent's descending lance attack. Jeanne D returns to Jessica as she calls off the battle.


  • Snap Pistols: Jeanne D's standard pistols.
  • Red Eagle: A fire-attribute pistol used in the Angra Texas finals.

Other Weapons[]

  • Seahorse Anchor: An anchor-like hammer-type weapon. Borrowed from Jin's Triton for training in the Angra Texas Tournament.

Attack Functions[]


  • The name 'Jeanne D' derives from France's historical female warrior, Jeanne D'arc. It is also the name of the game created by Level-5 for PSP.
  • Jeanne D Arc appears in Inazuma Eleven Go Chrono Stone and mixi-maxes with Kirino Ranmaru.