Danball Senki Wiki
Munemasa Ibuki
Munemasa Ibuki
Media Info
Japanese 井吹 ムネマサ
Translation Ibuki Munemasa
Dub Name Terry Archibald
Game Debut Danball Senki Wars
Appears in Game
Voice Actor Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Personal Info
Gender Male
Status Active
Occupation Earth Eleven Goalkeeper
LBX: Triguardian
Master Command
Percival F

Munemasa Ibuki (井吹いぶき ムネマサ) is a Ranking Battle player in Danball Senki Wars.


Danball Senki Wars[]

To recruit Ibuki, you first need to defeat him in the Ranking Battles. After you do so, he will be available on the LBX Player List.

He will have the following information:

Hissatsu Functions[]

Danball Senki Wars[]


External links[]
