Danball Senki Wiki
Danball Senki Wiki
Rain Bullet
Rain bullet 04
Media Info
Japanese: レインバレット
Translation: Rein Baretto
Dub name: Hail Of Bullets
Game debut: Danball Senki (PSP)
Anime debut: Episode 22
Type: Hissatsu icon Gun weapon icon
Attack power: 160
Range: Close Close range icon
Elements: Pierce Pierce element icon, Water Water element icon
Chance Gauge: Chance gauge icon 2
Attained: Gun weapon icon Skill Level 7
Gun weapon icon Skill Level 8 (W)

Rain Bullet (レインバレット Rein Baretto) is a gun-type attack function introduced in the Danball Senki series.


The LBX flies into the air, and fires a hailstorm of bullet blasts while spinning around at fast speeds. The only way for the opponent to avoid it is by jumping higher than the LBX using it.


In episode 22, Ota Red's Bibinbird X used this move on Joker MK2 after it was revealed he survived Death Scythe Hurricane. Using this move, Ota Red delivered a Final Blow and won the final battle of D Block.



Danball Senki Wars[]

Function sequence[]
