Danball Senki Wiki
Roy Chen
Chen roy
Media Info
Japanese ロイ・チェン
Translation Roi Chen
Game Debut Danball Senki Wars
Anime Debut Episode 16 (Wars)
Appears in Game, Anime
Voice Actor Yusuke Kuwahata
Personal Info
Gender Male
Status LOST
Occupation Student
Affiliation(s) Jenock Third Platoon
LBX: DC Aerial

Roy Chen (ロイ・チェン Roi Chen) is one of the characters of Danball Senki Wars. He is one of the new members of Third Platoon along with Akane Shinome after Yuuji Nishimura and Takao Ooyama became LOST.


He has short brown hair and brown eyes. He also has a tanned skin and wears the Jenock boy's uniform.


He first appeared in Episode 16 along with Akane Shinome at Duck Manor. They introduced themselves to Jenock's First Platoon and later introduced themselves again to their platoon captain, Rikuya Tougou, and walked away to Kamui Daimon Comprehensive Academy with him. Roy introduced himself again in the class to all of his Jenock's classmates along with Akane. He was later seen again when Reina Mito appointed only the First Platoon to investigate the Gigant Forest as their mission with the other platoons to whatever they want to do.

He convinces Rikuya to continue the battle to protect the Lost Area and stop Sereidy from gaining control of the world.


Danball Senki Wars[]

To recruit Roy, you first need to have completed several missions that included the Third Platoon to your mission. After you do so, he will be available on the LBX Player List.

He will have the following information:

Hissatsu Functions[]

Danball Senki Wars[]
